Praise Bees!

The bees are back, busy sipping nectar and accumulating pollen from flowers. By interacting with plants, I interact with all of nature; when I’m harvesting herbs, I can’t

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Spring Cleanse Reflections

MOTIVATION – DISCIPLINE – WILL POWERReflections upon my spring cleanse.Spring has summoned me to do a cleanse for the past 25 years;this three-week ritual is equivalent to a

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Seeds – Bringers of Life, Food & Medicine

As we approach spring, I, like most gardeners, am dreaming of my garden and planning to start seeds indoors to eventually transplant into beds. Seed catalogues cover my

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The Language of Flowers

Summer is the season of flowers; bringing a steady parade of different blooms, whether they be wild flowers of the meadows and roadsides, or cultivated ornamentals decorating our

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Spice Up Your Life with these Medicinal Spices

Spices take the chill out of winter; when added to food, teas and other home remedies they promote circulation and the sensation of warmth. My favourite spices include

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Life Force Energy

In admiration of the weeds on the side of the road and musings on the meaning of life. My road was repaved this summer, with a fresh layer

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Plant Families – Food, Medicine and Poison! Featuring the Umbelliferae (carrot family)

This article was inspired by the common occurrence of wild carrot, aka Queen Anne’s Lace, lining roadsides at this time. It offers us food and medicine, and is

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How to Love Your Liver

In March I start to gear up for my annual spring cleanse.  My article deals with our most critical organ of detoxification – the liver. We may stand

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Savayda’s Comforting Winter Herbal Tea Recipes

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what winter teas are made of. Each season brings different flavours and medicines to my tea pot. Winter is the cozy

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How to Dry Herbs

  At this time of year my access to fresh herbs (and food) dwindles with the change of seasons and I have to switch from remedies utilizing freshly

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